Using Machine Learning & A.I to solve business problems

We Help Build Data Driven Companies
Using Machine Learning & A.I
to solve business problems
Rapid A.I & Machine Learning Proof-of-Concept Projects
Madlytics are pioneering a new service offering to close the gap between the latest data science technologies and business objectives. With our ‘Rapid A.I-ML’ offering in as little as 4-6 weeks your organisation will gain an understanding of what is and isn’t possible with your current data assets, what data assets you need to achieve your business objectives and a visual, tangible proof-of-concept project to demonstrate what can be done with Machine Learning & A.I in your organisation right now.

Intelligence Augmentation, Human-Centred
At Madlytics, we approach our problems through the lens of IA, ‘intelligence augmentation’, rather than blind A.I. Ethical considerations and algorithmic accountability is baked into each project. We don’t simply throw problems into a ‘black box’ of code and increasingly complex models until a nice answer appears. We work closely with you to ensure there are human checkpoints and work closely with your relevant domain experts as we solve your problems together.
We greatly enjoy working collaboratively and are driven by identifying areas where our service offerings can dramatically enhance understanding and growth of your businesses.

Machine Learning and the cloud

The future success of productionised machine learning and A.I is inherently linked to how well an organisation can leverage the cloud. Madlytics is officially partnered with Amazon AWS as Certified Solutions Architects, meaning we can help you architect the best, most cost effective & scalable solution for your data analytics needs.